A Length of Sparely Designed Katazome: Butterflies in Nature

$90.00 USD

early twentieth century
28" x 13 1/2", 71 cm x 34 cm

This length of indigo dyed cotton is made using the stencil resist dyed or katazome method.

Its effect of stark white images against the deep indigo ground is due to the fact that this length was stenciled on both its sides in order to create a dazzling white effect. Because of this this piece is "reversible."

The repeat pattern is fanciful. It shows butterflies, weeping cherry blossoms, and an abstracted shape formed of dots that might be an allusion to a chidori or plover, a popular motif in Japanese design.

The cotton seems to be machine woven and the cloth shows little wear. This is a length of good looking katazome dyed cotton with a charming, lighthearted repeat pattern.

