A Length of Katazome Dyed Cotton: Stylized Chrysanthemums
late nineteenth, early twentieth century
32" x 13 1/4", 81.25 cm x 34.9 cm
The pattern on this length of katazome dyed cotton is lyrical in spirit and pleasant to look at.
It shows chrysanthemums that are designed in three styles and which are set among arabesques made of small, white dots, the arabesques sometimes snaking in the foreground in front of a chrysanthemum, quite unusual.
Note the judiciously used reddish-orange details, seen on the center of some flowers or on the petal tips. This iron oxide-derived dye was used with great care to good visual effect.
The cotton cloth is hand woven of what seems to be hand spun yarns. The length is in good, used condition--the kind of condition you might expect on a piece of cloth over 100 years old.