A Length of Beautifully Designed and Executed Katazome Cloth: Pine Bark Motif
late nineteenth century
32 1/2" x 13", 82.5 cm x 33 cm
This is an exceptionally beautiful length of indigo dyed cotton katazome cloth; it is exceptional for its complex and wonderfully conceived and realized pattern which is expertly dyed and more intricate than most.
The pattern, as can be seen, is highly detailed. The zigzag lines are configured to create the matsukawabishi pattern, a design that suggests stylized pine bark.
Inside each of the apertures created by the zigzags is a stylized chrysanthemum of which two types are depicted, each done with a good amount of concentrated rendering.
The orangeish tone of the jagged lines is due to safflower or benibana dye which is often applied to katazome cloth to give the design life and vibrancy. Note the resist dyed dot pattern within the zigzag lines which add a bit of sparkle or light to this aspect of design.
A rich and vibrant pattern this katazome length is wonderfully realized and presented.