A Zanshi-ori Boro Length: Leftover Kasuri Warp Yarns
ca. late nineteenth century
69" x 13", 175 cm x 33 cm
This is a very interesting length of old, indigo dyed cotton cloth.
First because it is a variant of zanshi-ori which is cloth woven from leftover yarns. We can see evidence of this in the deep colored areas of the cloth which show white, vertically-oriented flecks: these flecks are due to kasuri yarns that have been used as part of the warp.
Another interesting thing is the nature of the stripes: the graded stripes were used quite often in nineteenth century weaving, and they are said to resemble a waterfall. Lovely to ponder.
The bold, large patches, two of them, are of a good, handwoven stripe with a white-flecked, kasuri yarn-based warp.
All in all, this is a very good looking boro piece with an excellent base cloth of old, Japanese cotton.