A Short Sleeved Cotton Work Coat: Dense Vertical Rows of Sashiko Stitching
early twentieth century
36" x 35 1/2", 91.5 cm x 90 cm (shoulder to hem x sleeve tip to sleeve tip)
This is a short sleeved jacket made of two layers of cotton: a small checked cotton exterior and a plain indigo cotton interior. The two layers are held together by countless rows of vertically-oriented sashiko stitching, each row being about 1/2" or 1.5 cm apart from one another.
The jacket was almost certainly recycled from a longer kimono. It is said to be from the Shonai region of Yamagata prefecture, an area where tight and expert sashiko stitching was done to add strength and durability to work garments such as this one.
There is a coin-sized area of abrasion to the proper left side seam and a few snags to the cloth on the back, bottom, right, both pictured here.
The sleeves are short and tight and might be a bit of challenge to wear if you are thinking to acquire this for that reason.
As an example of good sashiko stitching on a real work jacket this is one to consider having.
Subtle and beautiful this jacket is full of detail and hand work.