A Sashiko Stitched Boro Cloth: Partial Furoshiki
early twentieth century
48" x 38", 122 cm x 96.5 cm
This boro cloth is actually a fragment: it represents three of four panels from an indigo dyed, sashiko stitched cotton furoshiki, a furoshiki being a traditional wrapping, hauling, storage cloth. It is shown here wrong-side-out in order to highlight the piece's hand stitched patching and wear.
On the top, left corner of the furoshiki fragment are two kanji or Chinese characters set within a jagged border which suggests stylized pine bark. The three borders, top, left, bottom of this cloth show sashiko stitched trim. On the lower, right hand corner of this cloth we can see more evidence of sashiko stitching, this one as diamonds in formation.
As can be seen by the ample detail photos which are shown here, the cloth itself is quite abraded and shows a good deal of snags and small holes overall.
Still this is a lovely piece of good size with lovely stitching and patching.