A Man's Rustic Obi: Variegated Deep Toned Yarns

$90.00 USD

early twentieth century
152" x 4", 386 cm x 10 cm

This is a man's obi and it is narrow--its rough texture gives the appearance of rag weave but in fact this is woven from thick, silky weft yarns.

The variegated tones of deep grey (with a cool cast) make it seem this obi was woven from leftover yarns.

The warp is of thin cotton yarns and the obi is fairly heavy in the hand. Its streaky tones are beautiful to see--and please note there is a a warp-based flaw to the center of the obi near its start which is shown on the detail photos here.

A lovely accessory and for a man who wears kimono this is ideal.

A Man's Rustic Obi: Variegated Deep Toned Yarns