A Ragged Boro Noragi: Patched and Mended Work Coat
early to mid twentieth century
25 1/2" x 45", 65 cm x 114 cm
Patched and wonderfully tattered, this patched noragi, or work coat, shows patches and mendings to the entirety of the piece.
It is the inside of the coat, shown in the accompanying detail photos, that is the more interesting of the two sides. The patching was done seemingly quickly, with broad, long stitches and with some patches barely attached to the base cloth.
The shape of the short coat is uneven and asymmetrical, a result of patching and over-patching and a general disengagement by the maker in creating a beautiful garment. This is a work coat, after all.
The jacket is made of indigo dyed cotton, it once had a tie closure in front, and between the stitching and patching there is massive personality in this small treasure.
If you would like to wear this jacket, its condition is a bit too fragile for that.
A lovely little thing and a very nice echo of every day dress in old Japan.