A Length of Very Deeply Colored Indigo Plaid: Bright and Dark
late nineteenth, early twentieth century
55" x 13 3/4", 139.75 cm x 33.5 cm
This is a beautiful length of very dark, indigo dyed plaid cotton whose color tones are very close to one another; the length almost looks solid the contrast is so low.
It is hand stitched from two separate pieces and there are three small sized mending patches on the length.
The curious dark blue-on-dark blue color situation here might be the result of over dyeing the entire piece in indigo but that is unclear. However what is clear is that this is a very handsome length of cloth and one of great subtlety.
There is some very minor loss along some of the plaid outlines, but this is only visible if the length is held against the light.
Nuanced and beautiful, this is a lovely folk textile.