A Length of Tsutsugaki Dyed Cotton: Hemp Leaf and Ivy

$85.00 USD

early to mid twentieth century
70" x 13 3/4", 178 cm x 35 cm

This is a panel of tsutsugaki dyed cotton that was taken from a larger piece, its original function unknown, but it may have been taken from a futon cover.

The length is dyed a medium-tone indigo blue which has faded and has become scuffed over time. 

It shows two images that were dyed in an orange-colored dyestuff: at the top we see one-half of a family crest in the stylized ivy design. At the bottom, center is an isolated, six-pointed stylized hemp leaf. The hemp leaf is often shown as part of a repeat pattern so in this instance of showing one isolated as a singular design against a ground it is slightly unusual.

The length has a good deal of graphic appeal and visual impact both from the placement and scale of the images along with the contrasting color and value of the blue and orange.

Really lovely and a bit unusual, this length of tsutsugaki dyed cloth is of good length and of an appealing design.

A Length of Tsutsugaki Dyed Cotton: Hemp Leaf and Ivy