A Length of Sankuzushi Plaid: Large Scale Basket Weave
late nineteenth century
31" x 13 1/2", 79 cm x 34 cm
This length is a type of woven cotton cloth which shows a pattern that was popular in mid-to-late nineteenth Japan.
The pattern resembles basket weave or a "split bamboo mat."
Referred to as sankuzushi, this woven pattern which was produced in myriad variation. Sankuzushi seems to have its origin in India; it seems to have then been adapted by the Chinese. No wonder this beautiful cloth found its way to Japan and was produced there by native hands.
In this case, the sankuzushi pattern appears as the intersection of the warp and weft columns, and the design is that of a large-scale plaid. The indigo dyed background is still dark and rich in tone and the cloth itself is of hand spun, hand woven cottons. It is of a sturdy weave.
Sankuzushi cloth is a favorite here and this is particularly good variation on this type of weaving.