A Length of Patched Kasuri Cotton: Wonderful Pattern
early twentieth century
57" x 13 1/4", 145 cm x 35 cm
This is a wonderful length of old, hand woven kasuri dyed cotton that is made of hand spun yarns.
The pattern is rich with its wide bars that intersect to make a grid--and the intersection of the grid creates a basket weave design, called sankuzushi in Japan, which is wonderful to see. There are white slashes of kasuri resisted cotton that come in alternating groups of six lines and four lines, the four lines are staggered while the six are fairly in line.
The cloth itself is tightly woven and nicely heavy in the hand. The condition is good and as can easily be seen there are two large, dark cotton patches placed on the length: their deep, solid color is a very nice foil to the figured background.
This length of woven complexity is handsome and desirable for its ambitious and well-executed pattern.