A Length of Kurume Gasuri: One Patch

$75.00 USD

early to mid twentieth century
58" x 12 3/4", 147.5 cm x 32.5 cm

This length of indigo dyed cotton was hand woven in the kasuri or ikat method. In kasuri weaving, the yarns are tied and resisted before they are dyed, the result being that when woven they form patterns.

In this case the weft and the warp yarns were both resisted so the pattern shown is one typical of Kurume in Kyushu, the place of origin of this length. Large, bold blocks of white geometric designs, two variations, repeat up the length of this cloth. The design is graphic.

There are two mending patches to this length a few snags and holes on its surface. 

A very handsome length of old kasuri cotton.

A Length of Kurume Gasuri: One Patch