A Length of Itajime Shibori: Deep Indigo Snow Flowers

$40.00 USD

mid twentieth century
54" x 11 3/4", 137 cm x 30 cm

This lightweight cotton cloth is dyed in the itajime shibori or clamp dyed method. 

The cotton would have been folded in a series of triangular folds, then clamped, and then the edges would have been dyed.  The result is this field of blue on white, six pointed "flowers" which are arranged in ordered repeat.  

As well, the six pointed flower forms join to form hexagons which is design shorthand for tortoiseshell which symbolizes a wish for long life

The cloth is composed of two pieces which are hand stitched together and is in seemingly unused condition. The indigo is strong and velvety against the undyed cotton: really lovely.

A Length of Itajime Shibori: Deep Indigo Snow Flowers