A Length of Indigo Dyed Boro: Coral Colored Stitched Patch
ca. late nineteenth, early twentieth century
60 1/2" x 13 1/4", 153.5 cm x 33.5 cm
Really interesting.
Not only do the placement of the different-sized patches on the top half of this piece create a visually arresting dynamic arrangement, the color contrast to be seen between the dull indigo base cloth and pink-coral patched cotton fragment is just beautiful.
Pay attention to the coral colored cloth fragment: it is stitched to the plaid base using a lovely, meandering stitch can be seen from time to time in old boro pieces from Japan.
The bottom half of this boro futon cover fragment shows two narrow striped cotton pieces which are slightly different from one another, but different enough to engage the eye.
A really beautiful length of Japanese boro, with great color and very good stitching. And with good age.