A Length of Hand Spun Cotton Plaid Cloth: Kasuri Dyed Carp

$175.00 USD

late nineteenth, early twentieth century
58" x 13 1/2", 147.5 cm x 34 cm

This is a length of beautifully designed and executed indigo dyed cotton cloth, it is rustic in nature.

The cotton cloth is hand woven from hand spun yarns which gives a great quality of what the Japanese call ito aji or thread flavor. 

The pattern is a fairly bold striped plaid based on wide stripes alternating pale and dark. Embedded in this woven design are four images of carp that appear because of weft-based kasuri, a technique where yarns are specially bound and resisted before they are dyed in order to produce an image when the yarns are finally woven.

It is easy to appreciate the rustic beauty of these four carp as they are woven in the plaid pattern: it is lovely to look at.

The cloth has a rich texture. As this length was taken from a futon cover the reverse side still shows evidence of the cotton wadding used to fill the futon cover. As much of this fiber was removed as possible, but some of it still insists on clinging to the cloth.

A really wonderfully rustic folk textile and one that is recommended.
