A Large Five Panel Boro Futon Cover: Hanten
**reduced from $545.00**
early to mid twentieth century
64" x 64", 163 cm x 163 cm
This large, five-panel, indigo dyed boro futon cover is made from three pieces taken from a hanten, a resist dyed work coat, the three panels being those on the left.
In old Japan clothing was often repurposed to fashion textiles used in the home, futon covers being one of them. In this case, because the three panels of cloth are so identifiable as a hanten, this recycling is very obvious--and beautiful.
The play of the resist dyed graphics against the patches and the two panels of patched, plain indigo dyed cotton on the right is just wonderful. The addition of the horizontal, red bars adds a rich visual element: the red color is typical of hanten and is the result of the cloth being colored with bengara, a pigment dye derived from iron oxide.
Being that this is a recycled, old piece, there are some surface flaws and small tears, but this is consistent with its age and its use.
A really beautiful old boro textile and one with a great deal of visual appeal.