A Large Figured Zokin: Hemp Stitching

$25.00 USD

ca. early to mid twentieth century
11 1/2" x 15", 29 cm x 38 cm

In the past we have shown and sold many zokin, or Japan's traditional dustrag which is hand sewn from layers of discarded cloth.  

This one, and the two others we are showing today, are slightly different than the zokin shown before because these are a bit larger in size (please note the dimensions listed above).

This zokin is an unintended, artful collage of discarded, Japanese cottons and it seems that there are about two layers of cloth that comprise this one zokin.  Front and back are equally interesting: and of course, since this textile was a working one that has been recycled, you will see surface wear to the piece on both sides.

The cloth used to create this zokin is a kind of commercial kasuri cotton that shows the traditional yabane or arrow feather motif.

Please note this wonderful detail: the stitching done on this zokin uses hemp yarn.

Just wonderful.
A Large Figured Zokin: Hemp Stitching