A Hemp Warped Sakiori Obi: Rag Woven Kimono Sash

$110.00 USD

early to mid twentieth century
100" x 5 1/2", 254 cm x 14 cm

This is a nicely colored sakiori obi, or a rustic, traditional kimono sash that is woven using shredded cloth as its weft yarn.

The warp yarns are hemp, which is not at all usual for an obi since it creates a stiff, almost inflexible length of ragweave.

The weft yarns are multi-colored and streaky--and please note that some of the weft yarns are missing as they seem to have fallen out or have been abraded and lost over time.

This handsome obi is in used condition and is notable for the fact that the warp is made of stiff hemp yarns.

A desirable sakiori textile.

A Hemp Warped Sakiori Obi: Rag Woven Kimono Sash