A Checked Sakiori Obi: Thickly Woven
mid twentieth century
118" x 6", 300 cm x 15 cm
This is a beautifully designed, woven and colored sakiori obi which has been woven in the warp faced manner where you cannot see the weft yarns. Because of this it is hard to discern the material of the weft yarns--rag or thick yarn--but the weft yarns seem to be of rag.
Sakiori is the Japanese word for rag woven textiles.
This is an obi, a traditional kimono sash which, in the early-to-mid twentieth century were often woven from a rag weft to be worn with casual kimono.
This obi is fairly unusual for its blocky, warp-faced pattern; the proportion of the blocks to the overall scale of the obi is somehow perfectly balanced which, in addition to its fine color, makes this such an alluring sakiori obi.
In good, used condition.