A Boro Sakiori Hanten: Patched, Threadbare Ragwoven Work Coat
**reduced from $795.00**
early twentieth century
31 1/2" x 48 1/2", 80 cm x 123 cm (shoulder to hem x sleeve tip to sleeve tip)
Sakiori, or rag weave, when done primarily in indigo rag weft yarns as this one is, is among the most desirable of sakiori types.
This is a hanten or work coat that is woven from rag yarn weft against a cotton warp.
The cloth itself is quite soft or supple in the hand, it is not rough and thick like some sakiori is, such as this one. The relative suppleness or loose weave of the cloth is evidenced by the threadbare areas of small loss to the weft material which can be seen in the photographs here that document this.
However look at the marvelous patches to the front, back and inside of the coat: they are beautifully done and beautifully placed on the jacket. And you can see this coat has been worn hard--some of the patches themselves show abrasion and wear which is a clear indication this coat was used for work.
The sleeves are of a plain cotton and as with collars, sleeves were put on and taken off at will, sometimes to change the sleeve if it was worn out or maybe the sleeves were taken off for work in summer time. These sleeves seem to have been part of this hanten for some time as they show a some wear and slight fading.
Note as well the "V"-shaped area of sashiko stitching that reinforces the area just below the collar on the garment's back.
If you are looking to collect a boro garment or a good sakiori jacket this is certainly one to consider for its fullness of patching, for its good color and for the "classic" technique (sakiori) which is associated with rural clothing in old Japan.
Very recommended.