A Boldly Patched Futon Cover Fragment: Abstraction

$185.00 USD

early twentieth century
66" x 29 1/4", 168 cm x 74 cm

This boldly and graphically patched cloth is a section taken from a futon cover.

The wide, woven base cloth is of a dull purple/blue/red/grey type of cotton that was used a great deal for utilitarian fabrics in Japan in the early part of the twentieth century. It is commercially woven--and clearly recycled, maybe from the lining of a yogi or kimono shaped duvet. This kind of cloth was often used for lining kimono in the 1920s or so.

The entire cloth is made from two pieces which are hand stitched together. The prominent, large swaths of cloth stitched to top and bottom and used to reinforce the base evoke a kind of totemic image. The size of this cloth reinforces this idea.

This is a visually alluring patched and mended textile and one whose presence can certainly command attention.
