A Beautifully Rustic Boro Length: Two Interesting Sides

$75.00 USD

late nineteenth, early twentieth century
70" x 13 1/2", 178 cm x 34 cm 

This is a wonderfully rustic length of indigo dyed boro cloth--and it is one that is equally interesting from both sides.

As is very evident from quickly scanning the photographs here, this length is hand stitched from several pieces of old, hand loomed cotton, the mid-section which shows a plaid-on-plaid passage, is roughly done, with a fragment of plaid cloth off-kilter from the otherwise fairly straight length.  This off-kilter piece is also lightly stitched to the surface.

By looking at the other side of the this length you can easily see the wonderful mending shapes as the plaid cloth peers out from under the stitched mending in a visually arresting manner.  Note as well the beautifully hand spun cotton yarns that are used to weave the cloth used to make this fragment which was most likely taken from a futon cover.

A very good length of boro cloth and one that has rich, rustic appeal.


A Beautifully Rustic Boro Length: Two Interesting Sides