A Beautiful Length of Striped Cotton: Stray Kasuri Yarns Maybe
late nineteenth, early twentieth century
68" x 13 3/4", 166.5 cm x 32.5 cm
The colors present in this length of wide-striped, mainly indigo dyed cotton cloth are rich and varied. From deep indigo to a mid-toned variety, mixed with green and yellow this length presents a depth of color tone that is absolutely beautiful. Add to that the length is hardly light faded, if it is at all.
The deep toned areas show flecks of white which might be due to the fact that leftover kasuri yarns were used for this area, but this is not clear if this is the case. However the slight variation in light and dark is an added bonus and is not regulated in any way by the weaver.
This is a stunning length of old cotton striping, perfectly realized and beautifully presented.