An Indigo Dyed Cotton Noragi: Katazome Dyed Collar

$95.00 USD

ca. early to mid twentieth century
32" x 34", 81.25 cm x 86.25 cm 

This is a very handsome, indigo dyed cotton noragi or work coat which is wonderful condition and has a rich, deep indigo color.  Apologies for the poor photos; this coat is very good-looking in person.

The coat is said to have come from Shonai, in present-day Akita prefecture.

The cotton which comprises this noragi is hand woven, indigo dyed cotton that alternates narrow stripes of black and blue.  There is a partial, pieced lining, hand stitched, and the lining is also made of indigo dyed cotton.

The collar is beautiful: it is a katazome dyed cotton which was first dyed blue, then resisted to show a simple pattern of crosses and dots.  The collar is reinforced by a narrow piece of kasuri cotton which, also, is hand stitched to the surface.

The perimeter of the bottom of the coat is pieced; there is a band of applied cloth all around the bottom of this noragi, which adds visual interest.

A beautifully stitched and colored coat, this one is very durable and certainly could be worn by the right person.


An Indigo Dyed Cotton Noragi: Katazome Dyed Collar