A Length of Tsutsugaki Dyed Cotton: Crest and Waves
**reduced from $145.00**
late nineteenth century
53" x 13 1/4", 134.5 cm x 33.5 cm
This is an indigo dyed cotton tsutsugaki or freehand resist textile which shows a mirror image of a family crest and waves. Its symmetry is unusual and perhaps it was taken from a horse dressing where this type of evenly-placed patterning is usual.
The cotton yarns are hand spun; the cotton cloth hand woven. The indigo dye is still rich and vivid and the overall condition of this piece, although it is quite worn, is very good.
The images shown here, too, are deftly rendered by a steady hand, which is what you want to see in a tsutsugaki textile. The cloth itself is mended with one patch and there is a small piece which supplements the length, hand stitched to the length.
A beautiful example of tsutsugaki dyed cotton cloth and a lovely piece of old Japan.